Over time, your once evenly level home can become sloped. Many homeowners get used to living with these severe issues in their homes without realizing the full extent of the damage.
Common signs of foundation settlement include: uneven floors, doors and windows not opening or closing properly, and cracked walls and ceilings.
The best solution to these issues is professional house leveling from Rite-Way Foundation. Not only can we stop further settlement of your home, we can also raise the sloped and sunken floors back to their previous condition. It’s incredibly important that we discover and handle the cause of your house settlement so that it doesn’t continue. Then, we can repair and upgrade your foundation to ensure that future problems do not occur.
In other words, we’ll put you back on level ground again.

Free Repair Estimates
We offer Free Estimates to homeowners and business owners in Huntsville and East Texas. Think you might have a problem but you aren’t sure? Schedule a free quote with one of our Rite-Way Foundation Repair experts.
Free Structural Analysis
If you have any of these problems present in your home, contact Rite-Way. We carry the proper licenses and insurance coverage to provide professional structure repairs to your home or business. We even provide a FREE structural analysis to help you understand our repair strategy. Our decades of experience in East Texas foundation repair has produced the awesome and affordable foundation repair solutions you need to endure for the life of your home.
East Texas Expertise
The experts at Rite-Way foundation are well-acquainted with the problems that homeowners face in East Texas. From excessive humidity to extreme heat, your home is susceptible to issues that Rite-Way professionals are uniquely qualified to notice and handle.
Common Signs of Foundation Issues
Some of the most common signs of foundation issues include uneven and sloping floors or walls, doors or windows that no longer close properly, and cracks in the foundation, the floor or floor tiles – horizontal cracks in particular.
Huntsville, TX Foundation Repair Services
Pier and Beam Repairs
Concrete Slab Repair
Under Slab Tunneling
House Leveling Services
Commercial Services
Residential Services
Drainage Solutions
Polyurethane Foam Injection